Plan ORSEC + Zero Absolu (F) @ Rock Classic - 31/05/2014 - 21h00 - Entrée gratuite !
Plan ORSEC -
EN: "There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable.There is another theory which states that this has already happened." Douglas Adams
FR: "D'après une théorie, le jour où quelqu'un découvrira exactement à quoi sert l'Univers et pourquoi il est là, ledit Univers disparaîtra sur-le-champ pour se voir remplacé par quelque chose de considérablement plus inexplicable et bizarre. D'après une autre théorie, ce jour est
+ Zero Absolu (F) -
Crossbred between post-noise, metal, shoegaze, math rock and electronical music, Zero absolu (Lyon - France) is a modern one man band, based on loops where electronical music intervene with diverse musical instruments.
1st Ep - “La fuite” (2006)
1st album - “du vide au néant ” (2007)
2nd (double) album – “Dans les bras de Morphée” (2010)
Digital Ep - “Eyjafjallajoküll” (2011)
3rd album- “Autømn” (2012)
Split Ep w/Lost in Kiev (2013)
4th Album —- in process —-
Plan ORSEC + Zero Absolu (F) @ Rock Classic - 31/05/2014 - 21h00 - Entrée gratuite ! | Facebook
Plan ORSEC + Zero Absolu (F) @ Rock Classic - 31/05/2014 - 21h00 - Entrée gratuite ! | Facebook