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Like Like + Nervous Shakes @ Rock Classic - 08/11/2014 - 21h00 - Entrée gratuite !

Like Like - http://likelike.bandcamp.com/

Like Like c’est 3 potes, 3 ingénieurs du son aussi ; réunis
par amour de la musique. Louis à la batterie, Maxime à la basse
et au chant et Luis à la guitare et au chant.
Ils parlent de leurs envies, leurs expériences et de leurs conneries.
Sur scène, c’est puissant, fougueux et énergique !

Comme le disent les bûcherons belges de la forêt des Ardennes :
« Like Like ca va envoyer du bois mec! »

Nervous shakes - http://www.myspace.com/nervousshakes

Formed 2002 from the unlamented ashes of Shake Appeal & Reagan Cain, debut full-length "Separate Beds? I Don't Think So" recorded 2003, released on Nun Records 2004. Played Belgium, France, Germany. Widely praised in Sugarbuzz, I-94, Razorcake, Boston Groupie News & other bastions of Good Taste. Rock & Folk liked it too. Jeff Dahl said we were better than the Hives....he's not wrong on that. Mr Dahl seldom is. Nervous Shakes have survived waves of indifference, personnel changes, shortstay passengers, turmoil, tantrums, egotistical grandstanding, misguided attempts at solo careers, straight living & the ever unstable alliance between dandy frontman Ivan Retroff aka Andreini aka Dreini, aka Rockin' Cat Ivan & guitsling deluxe James "JP" Neligan aka Cain aka Jimmy The
Gent to finally settle on the current, strong-ass lineup (Retroff, Neligan, Bruno Van Gompel, Big Yvan Homez). Debut 7" vinyl-only single "Do You Wanna" is to be finally released November 2011 on Panique Records (PROO2-2011, on sale at Born Bad Record Store Paris and thru Soundflat.de mailorder). A long overdue 2nd album will become a reality in 2012 as it's high time to teach the kids how to dance again. Whether they want it or not. You feelin' me brother?

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