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🎵 21h00 - Eden & The Shakers : The project "Eden & The Shakers" was born during 2020 from an idea developed by the musicians of the band" Baron Samedi " (formed more than ten years ago) Above all, the band wanted to collaborate with a singer not to interpret Baron Samedi's repertoire but rather to move towards , something more "vintage"Rock'n Roll. While remaining very attached to our “blues-boogie” roots, the idea was to go towards our big current influences : bands like Delta Bombers,Hi-Jivers, Kokomo Kings ... but also and always,Howlin 'Wolf or Johnny Cash ... And therefore as a style (although we don't really like labels !) Rock'n Roll… that sums it up well...

🎵 24/06/2022 : Eden and the Shakers @ Rock Classic - 55, rue Maché au Charbon à 1000 Bruxelles - 21h00 - Entrée gratuite / Free entrance
Tag(s) : #Rock'n'rolll
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